Final note + assignment

Eldric Liew · May 28, 2019

This is my last post i guess. Teaching was fun, hope you learnt alot.

I took down the forums since no one was using it, and it was costing me $5/month.

  • Contact me on the help group if you have questions.
  • Or leave a comment on the slides.

Finally, if you are just starting on Vue.js now, here’s something i noticed with some students*:

  • They tend to “change the world” when programming.
    • I.e. try to get everything working in 1 shot.
  • When you make changes, make SMALL changes.
  • Do only ONE thing at a time.
  • Verify that each of them work before moving on.
  • A rule of thumb is as follows:
    • If you have written 30 lines of code and not checked that it works, you are probably making a mistake.
    • Define Checked: you should have either see it on screen, or console.log some intermediate/final value.

Working on Web projects of this size will be the first time most of your development skills are stretched to the limit. The key here is discipline.

Finally, the Server assignment/solutions are uploaded.

Good luck for the rest of your endeavours.

*Specifically, one intern now. Generally, i noticed this when grading the PE for CS1101S.

  • A large fraction of people (est 1/3rd) didn’t have any working code, but attempted the entire question.
  • Even things like getting the largest item in a list weren’t done correctly.
  • Writing two for loops correctly would have given 3-4 out of 9 marks.


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