Backend programming with Node/Express/Mongo

Last modified: May 28 2019 - 1832hrs

Date: May 24 2019 - 1000-1200

Venue: Video Conference Room (VC), COM1 02-13

Finally, we reach the backend.

The topics covered are:

  • An abridged history of the modern interwebs.
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Websockets
  • Mongo/mongoose.

When reading through the slides, please pay particular attention to

  • what the goal of each technology is
  • the strengths/weaknesses
  • how each technology achieves its goals.

Of course, when implementing, your attention should be on:

  • Unlimited pitfall works.

So you probably need to read the slides many times :D




Backend deep dive


This assignment creates a single channel chatroom anyone can join.

The remainder of the features are up to you to implement.

A more detailed is included in the template.

Task 1: Message basics

Note: start with a single chat room first.

  • No need to over-complicate things.
  • Simply redirect all users to the same chat room.

Implement the following:

GET /messages which …

POST /messages/new which…

Creates a new message.

Refreshing the client shall allow client messages to be updated.

Task 2: websocket based updates

Connect the client to the server such that all new messages will be sent to the client.

Task 3: Message model

Implement a Mongoose Model such that all new messages are saved in the database.

Load all messages from the database when the app starts.

Task 4: (Optional) Static server

Hosting the frontend from server. Implement vue history mode.

Task 5: (Challenge) file uploads

Using something like vue-dropzone, allow uploading files which become hostable urls.

Further practice.

User registration and login with passport.

Friends list / Multiple message threads.

Updating /deleting messages.


zip file

Note: The solutions are not very good.

  • Especially the database and interface design.
  • This is mainly because the design for the product is 100% evolutionary.
    • Just to prove that it can be done.
  • Basically at this step, you should refactor it heavily.
    • Consolidate the types, etc.