Introduction to HTML / Web programming

Last modified: May 28 2019 - 1832hrs

Date: May 15 2019 - 1000-1200 (part 1), 1400-1530 (part 2)

Venue: Video Conference Room (VC), COM1 02-13

This covers the basics of HTML/web programming.

The first part consists of html:

  • How HTML fits in the ecosystem
  • The concept of DOM
  • Overall document structure
  • Containers/elements
  • Attributes

The second part is about programming html with javascript:

  • HTML load order
  • Dependency management
  • DOM manipulation
  • Event model
  • Async programming with promises

Note: Incidentally, this is a very good example of why not to use CSS float.

I wanted to say that css float is good for only 1 thing, but no, it isn’t xD.

There’s a way to fix this, but it causes more problems.


Mozilla Developer Networks

The premier reference material. Please do NOT use w3schools.


Callbacks and Promises

Fun with Promises, Promises of fun.


First steps

This assignment covers the basics of manipulating HTML using javascript.

Your goal is to build purely the chat part of a chat app.

This assignment consists of 8 tasks, some of which are very small. For the record, my solution is only 50 lines longer than the template.

This is what your final result should look like:

alt text

There’s a challenge question I just thought of (and its 2am):

  • Add an edit button, figure out how to implement edit.
  • Possible idea: contenteditable attribute with events.


Basic setup (I) - NPM, Git, Basic HTML, README

Webpack 101

A Webpack tutorial, the later sections are incomplete. They will be updated with Vue later


Without Webpack

In case you want to have a go at Webpack yourself.

With Webpack